A downloadable tool

Cubas Games Prefab Painter


Cubas Games Prefab Painter is a versatile Unity editor extension that empowers you to effortlessly paint prefabs onto your scenes. With customizable brushes, support for terrain alignment, undo functionality, and the ability to save and load brush settings, it simplifies the process of creating immersive environments. Whether you're designing landscapes, populating levels, or prototyping game worlds, Prefab Painter enhances your workflow with its intuitive features. Experience seamless prefab placement, precise control over brush parameters, and a user-friendly interface designed to streamline your creative process. Elevate your game development with Prefab Painter today.


Name: Prefab Painter 

Version: 1.0.0 

Compatibility: Unity 2019.4.34f1 and later 

Supported Platforms: Windows, macOS, Linux

License: Free 

Developer: Cubas Games 

Package Size: 1.6 MB 

Category: Editor Tools

Updates: Ongoing support and regular updates

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CG Prefab-Painter FREE.unitypackage 1 MB

Install instructions

 Installation Guide for Prefab Painter

1. Download the Package:

   - Visit Cubas Games on itch.io and find the "Prefab Painter" tool.

   - Click "Download" to get the Unity package file (.unitypackage).

2. Import the Package:

   - Open your Unity project.

   - Go to `Assets > Import Package > Custom Package`.

   - Select the downloaded `.unitypackage` file.

   - In the Import Unity Package window, ensure all files are selected and click "Import".

3. Locate the Prefab Painter Tool:

   - After importing, you can find the Prefab Painter tool in the Unity Editor under `Tools > CG-Tools > Prefab Painter-Free`.

4. Read the Documentation:

   - For detailed usage instructions, refer to the included ReadMe file. You can access it via `Tools > CG-Tools > Prefab Painter Readme`.

   - The ReadMe file provides an overview, features, usage instructions, limitations, and contact information.

5. Start Painting Prefabs:

   - Open the Prefab Painter window from `Tools > CG-Tools > Prefab Painter-Free`.

   - Assign your prefabs, adjust the brush settings, and start painting in your scene!

Enjoy using Prefab Painter, and don't forget to check out the Pro version for more advanced features!

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